Friday, 18 April 2014

All Weather Championship Finals at Lingfield & Musselburgh

Whilst I am very strong in my belief that there is far too much racing overall I have never quite understood why it's taken so long for racing to take place on Good Friday.Whether it ought to be a public holiday is another issue but as it is surely people are entitled to enjoy it as they choose. Australia still has no racing on this day but I'm tipping it will change very quickly with the UK racing authorities giving the go ahead this year.You can go to the pub for a beer after 5pm in the UK I believe but in Australia all the pubs are shut.Nightclubs open at midnight.Barmy isn't it?

My deep seated prejudice against all weather racing is probably illogical but I just cannot get enthused by it although I must admit Lingfield have served up a very good card for their "All Weather Championship Finals".They have thrown a million quid at it so you would expect a few decent performers to show up.
Because I haven't followed the all weather through the Winter and early Spring there is little point in trying to evaluate the races.There are some decent seasoned performers going around and some promising up and comer's so it's a card you have to take seriously if you are going to be punting on the flat over the next few weeks. I'll be studying the replays with interest.
Complimenting Lingfield's big day in very good card on the turf at Musselburgh where it's fine and dry and the going is Good to firm,Good in places. It's a tough meeting with some open looking contests so I won't be backing anything but the races are very competitive so they should provide some useful pointers for the next few weeks.

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