A bit of a roller coaster week.Some of the analysis hopelessly off target and some right on the money.I had a chaotic family situation to deal with too so all in all I'm glad to have come through the week with a reasonable profit.There were some big swings in the market last week for a lot of the blog's selections and It's difficult to accurately record the results as the final SP often is very unrepresentative of what's been available earlier in the day.I understand that everyone doesn't have the opportunity to constantly monitor the Betfair prices as they fluctuate through the day but for me it's an essential part of getting an edge and staying ahead in a tough game.Winterlude which won for the blog on Saturday traded at over 10.0 on Betfair pre-race and returned an SP of 5.50.I managed an average price of 8.8 through constant monitoring but in fairness for settling the results I've shaved the price down to more accurately reflect what's generally achievable.Getting the best price is a major part of what I'm trying to do once the analysis has been done.Like anything you get better at it with experience but anyone punting seriously on the exchange really has to have some decent trading software otherwise your starting out at a considerable disadvantage.Mine costs me about $15 a month so there is no excuse for anyone betting not to have it.
Here's the breakdown for the week:
Australia Bets in 3 races-No winners
Stakes 4.00
Returns 0.00
LOSS 4.00
No Tweets
Australia Loss on week 4.0 units
UK Bets in 13 races -4 winners
Stakes 18.15
Returns 29.45
Profit 11.30
Tweets Bets in 5 races -1 winner
Stakes 7.55
Returns 7.00
Loss 0.55
UK Profit on week 10.75 units
Total for the week Profit 6.75 units
There plenty of rain around today so I'm taking a rest day.No bets today.Back tomorrow
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