Monday, 29 April 2013

Weekend Round Up

I managed to get a blog out on Saturday and of the three selections we had a winner a second and one that performed way below expectations.A winning day but nothing to get excited about other than I'm mighty glad to be feeling much better.
I thought I might do a post or two covering the racing at Warrnambool this the week but my prime activity there will definitely be on the lay side of the exchange and those plays are very hard to communicate in advance.Tomorrow's card despite all the hype about Warrnambool is just a standard country meeting with a bit more prize money and plenty of runners.
Over the three days the highest rated flat runner at 104 is Tac De Boistron in the Cup on Thursday.Tac de Who?He's ex French if that helps!
It's a festival of mediocrity that's for sure and it signals the end of decent flat racing in Victoria until the Spring.
Queensland rules for a few weeks and then it's the dross and drudgery of Winter and the dreaded Geelong Synthetic.
I know the strike rate for favourites at the Geelong Synthetic is very high and as such it almost demands you take it seriously but I loathe it.The markets are very suss and I have a strong belief that it's best approached very cautiously just like the all weather at Wolverhampton in England. 
Back over in the UK however,things are simmering along very nicely and this weekend we have the Guineas meeting at Newmarket followed quickly by the May meetings at Chester and York.It's to the UK where the primary focus of the blog will be now for a few months.Expect a blog covering UK racing most days for the next few months beginning this coming Wednesday.
If your an Australian following the blog and are suspicious of British racing I hope you'll hang in there and see how the season builds up through the Spring and early Summer-backs off a bit quality if not quantity wise after Royal Ascot and then begins to crank up again in the  late Summer and early Autumn.Six months of fantastic racing and plenty of money to be made.I'm excited!!

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