Thursday, 7 March 2013


I had intended to post a blog this week about jockeys but I've been sidetracked and completely stunned by news from Victoria.State Minister for Racing the seemingly genial but hopelessly incompetent Denis Napthine has bewilderingly been elected Premier of Victoria.I've been left headscratching enough times by Australian political maneuverings to know by now that it throws up stuff that can  leave you totally "gobsmacked" but I couldn't believe my ears last night when the ABC news reported that Denis had been elected as a "consensus" leader to replace departing Premier Ted Ballieu.The Victorian Liberal party have been here before electing Denis as leader after the resignation of Jeff Kennet in 1999.It was a disaster and support quickly evaporated like Lake Eyre in a drought.
As Racing Minister Denis was well loved by racing's "participants" generously supporting all manner of schemes designed to enrich the already well heeled Breeding,Owning and Training fraternity all of it with public money that could and should have been allocated to areas of real need.I'd rather thought  he was simply batting it out until he could take up some sinecure at RVL or other prominent racing authority as a reward for his determination to allocate the maximum amount racing funds to those who already have plenty of their own.Now he's got the top job in Victoria!
I know the current State Government in Victoria is the the worst in living memory and something really had to change but Denis?

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